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About Me
Hi, My name is Stephanie Jane.
Thankfully, I have a gypsy spirit and spent years traveling around the globe, meeting cooperatives, knowing them well, allowing me to direct source the world's finest oils. This, for me, was the beginning of uncovering a very toxic beauty industry full of un-regulated products with known carcinogens, reproductive toxins and various other harmful chemicals that cause serious diseases.
Most women don't know this, so I spoke up.
My approach is this:
Know your Founder so that you Trust your products.

Why This?
Women use a lot of products!
Which makes this a Women's health issue.
Most products are incredibly toxic to a woman's internal hormonal world.
This is because the majority are filled with parabens, which are synthetic chemicals that play a role in female cancers, as well as negatively affect the functionality of the reproductive systems.
We know what parabens cause - yet they are still widely used and millions of women are affected daily.
But first,
I want to tell you a story...
The story of little 'ole me at 15 years old staring at a bathroom counter full of toxic products.
I didn't know better; My Mom didn't know better.
I was staring at piles of Clearasil, Proactiv, Biore (remember those blackhead strips?), and Clean & Clear.
I grew up on those products! and likely, so did you.
I cringe to think how many parabens I put in my body from age 15-25, when I threw it all away,
frustrated that I still had zits in my mid-20's and started traveling the world and looking for solutions.
My Acne was my muse.
Acne was my path to why I love skincare like I do.
It's not glamorous, nor sexy - but it is a real problem that leads so many women deep into the world of toxic skincare products early in life.
Then they stay there because of their wrinkles.
Then before they know it, they have had thousands of applications of these horrible products + being on birth control for decades ...
It's no wonder your hormones are one of your biggest issues!
My path of developing BEYOND LANGUAGES SKINCARE has made me painstakingly aware of the horrible products on
the market that women use religiously - like I did - because they don't know any better - like I did.
"Toxic Burden" begins in the womb because mothers store chemicals in her body and they sadly have the ability to cross the placenta.
One study showed umbilical cord blood to have 287 chemicals already in it!
These same chemicals are also mobilized and passed through the breast milk.
If this is a baby, imagine an adult's burden!
This burden ramps up when girls start playing with makeup and body care products that are full of hormonal mimickers and parabens - known ingredients that
are carcinogenic - yet they remain on the "approved" list the FDA and continue to fill the shelves of your favorite chain store.
It's a tragedy - that sadly - most women are blind to.
In fact,
One study showed women put 515
chemicals on her face each day!
Future pace a 13 year old playing with lipstick to a 21 year old who now has a bathroom full of
makeup, perfume, deodorants, lipsticks, facewash, perfumed body wash can see how women are literally swimming in a 'toxic brew'.
None of it is pure, clean nor organic -- and certainly not hormonally safe!
Her friends have the same, her Mom happily buys it for her -- and on and on the cycle continues.
No wonder infertility has skyrocketed, female cancers doubled and tripled, period pains become 'normalized', and
heavy bleeding feels out of control. All of this has means the US leads with the hysterectomy as the #1 surgery!
As a Nurse-Midwife, I cringe to think you are blindly caught in this cycle, unaware
and literally walking into the snake pit with your seemingly small, daily actions!
I decided to make a difference and shed light on this huge elephant in the room
and call it what it is - a Women's Health issue!
It all begins with education about:
what you put ON your body is what you put IN your body.
And with that clarity, it becomes simple.
If you can't eat it, you shouldn't use it on your skin.

As a Nurse-Midwife and Nurse Practitioner in Women's Health, I am blinded by the amount of toxic products sold to a woman daily. The numerous lotions, potions, salves, creams, makeup, deodorants, etc on the market are astounding. Ingredients banned in many areas of the world and are known to be carcinogenic are sold to women under the guise of beauty.
Beauty at the expense of your health is definitely not beautiful.
Women are never told this.
I knew there had to be a better way.
I traveled all over the world sourcing the best of the best, for me, for you and for us
and I am so glad you're here.
Welcome to Beyond Languages